Il Massacro di Wia
Versione italina di N.T.
Un altro riprovevole uccisione di massa è stato il massacro di WIA. Il rapporto del 2006 del Dipartimento di Stato americano, "Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" riferisce che 'il 10 giugno [2005] il personale militare uccise 161 giovani, che tentavano di fuggire dal campo militare di Wia.' Nessuna azione è stata presa nei confronti del personale militare che ha sparato e ucciso i 161 giovani. Le vittime erano arruolate nel NMSP (National Military Service Programme), finite in prigione nel campo di detenzione per diverse ragioni.
Il massacro aveva lo scopo di terrorizzare altri, affinchè non decidessero di lasciare il paese 'illegalmente' o non tentassero la fuga una volta finiti in stato di detenzione. Il campo militare di WIA era lo stesso luogo dove, nel 2001, circa 2000 studenti universitari sono stati detenuti arbitrariamente per diverse settimane dopo aver protestato contro il lavoro estivo, una politica impopolare del governo. Durante la detenzione, due studenti universitari, Yirga Yosief e Yemen Tekie, sono morti a causa delle dure condizioni di vita nel campo.
Il massacro aveva lo scopo di terrorizzare altri, affinchè non decidessero di lasciare il paese 'illegalmente' o non tentassero la fuga una volta finiti in stato di detenzione. Il campo militare di WIA era lo stesso luogo dove, nel 2001, circa 2000 studenti universitari sono stati detenuti arbitrariamente per diverse settimane dopo aver protestato contro il lavoro estivo, una politica impopolare del governo. Durante la detenzione, due studenti universitari, Yirga Yosief e Yemen Tekie, sono morti a causa delle dure condizioni di vita nel campo.
The Wia Massacre
by Daniel
Another reprehensible mass killing was the Wia Massacre. Quoting the US Department of State, in its 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices reported that ‘on June 10 [2005] military personnel shot and killed 161 youths at Wia Military Camp who were trying to escape.’ No action was taken against military personnel who shot and killed the 161 youths. The victims were conscripts of the NMSP (National Military Service Programme), who were being kept in the detention camp for several reasons.
The massacre was meant to terrorise other conscripts, lest they decide to leave the country ‘illegally’ or escape once they were in detention. Wia Military Camp was the same place where, in 2001, some 2000 university students were arbitrarily detained for several weeks after protesting against the unpopular government policy of summer work. During the detention, two university students, Yirga Yosief and Yeman Tekie, died as a result of the harsh living conditions in the camp.
Another reprehensible mass killing was the Wia Massacre. Quoting the US Department of State, in its 2006 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices reported that ‘on June 10 [2005] military personnel shot and killed 161 youths at Wia Military Camp who were trying to escape.’ No action was taken against military personnel who shot and killed the 161 youths. The victims were conscripts of the NMSP (National Military Service Programme), who were being kept in the detention camp for several reasons.
The massacre was meant to terrorise other conscripts, lest they decide to leave the country ‘illegally’ or escape once they were in detention. Wia Military Camp was the same place where, in 2001, some 2000 university students were arbitrarily detained for several weeks after protesting against the unpopular government policy of summer work. During the detention, two university students, Yirga Yosief and Yeman Tekie, died as a result of the harsh living conditions in the camp.
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